“This year sees Panto Day celebrate its ninth anniversary, so get those wands ready as 2019 celebrates the Year of Magic.
From Fairies and Enchantresses to Genies and Spirits, Pantoland’s magical beings will be centre stage as they assist our heroes and heroines will the day and defeat evil.
On Friday 13th December, theatres across the UK and around the world will come together to celebrate the wonderful world of pantomime. From tweeting using #pantoday on Twitter, to posting videos on YouTube with plenty of glitter, screens and stages will come alive as Pantoland opens its doors to all.
Crosswords, wordsearches and colouring in sheets can be downloaded from celebratepanto.co.uk with pantomimes encouraged to join in the fun by Tweeting, Facebooking, YouTubing and Instagramming throughout the day using hashtag #pantoday.
From special behind-the-scenes sneak-peeks to stage selfies and the now famous #pantopout, it’s never been easier to get involved!
The Year of Magic will also see new articles published on the Panto Advice Page with top industry experts sharing their pearls of panto wisdom on all things enchanting.
In the month leading up to Friday 13th December, Panto Day’s social media is sharing a new fabulous Fairy every day, so get those wands ready and start spreading the Panto magic…”