WE’RE BAAAAACK! Dragon Tale Theatre Group are thrilled to be back and resuming rehearsals for a brand new show ‘All Together Now’, a vocal concert celebrating musical theatre which will be staged in November. Come and join us for our sign-up event on Friday 3rd September at 7.30pm at Prudhoe Social Club (Big Club). Hear […]
Oliver! Postponement
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we are informing you that Oliver! will be POSTPONED until October half-term 2020.As everybody will undoubtedly be aware, the current global situation with regards to Covid-19 means that businesses, charities and organisations are being required to make drastic changes in order to maintain the public’s […]
World Panto Day
“This year sees Panto Day celebrate its ninth anniversary, so get those wands ready as 2019 celebrates the Year of Magic. From Fairies and Enchantresses to Genies and Spirits, Pantoland’s magical beings will be centre stage as they assist our heroes and heroines will the day and defeat evil. On Friday 13th December, theatres across […]
Amazon Smile
Click here to select us now! If you’re doing any of your Christmas shopping on Amazon, please consider using AmazonSmile instead. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase […]
2019 Awards
We all had a fab time this Friday at the registration evening for Oliver! at the Glenside, Mickley. We also took the time to celebrate the successes of Rapunzel and the fantastic team work our cast and crew have demonstrated over the last 6 months. What we didn’t tell our members was that we were […]
Rapunzel Courant Review
Author: Lucy Pye It is always a great pleasure to see the Dragon Tale Theatre Group’s annual pantomime and I went to their take on Rapunzel, held at Prudhoe Highfield Middle School from 30 October to 2 November inclusive, with a keen sense of anticipation. I’m very happy to say that my expectations of this […]
Rapunzel NODA Report
Author: Michael Lee Avery Rapunzel is just a vague recollection in the fairy tale section of my memory. Specifically, I remember a pretty princess, with exceedingly long blonde hair held prisoner in a tall tower by a wicked witch. After that my recollection is fuzzy and I suspect this version, by Warren McWilliams, takes considerable […]